Monday, July 10, 2006

Welcome, come in and think a while

Welcome to Just Sayin' where I'll be writing from time to time about my thoughts and feelings on the state of the nation.

I've never accepted the Red state/Blue state dichotomy as anything more than divisive. I won't be giving that dichotomy credence on this blog.

I'll be writing about America and by extension all Americans. We are the heirs to what our ancestors fought for -- a nation of states united as one

I'm not ready to see those united states crumble, I am not ready to let this legacy be torn to shreds by the politicians presently installed in Washington.

I'm here to write about my ideas, my suggestions and my hopes.

This isn't a conversational blog, there are plenty of those and you probably won't miss one more. This is a "community of one" looking out at the larger community of America.

You've no doubt noticed that the Comments function is turned off. That's for a reason. It's not like I don't enjoy a good chat or heated argument. I love 'em. But I feel that a lot of energy is being spent talking on blogs, energy that could be better spent putting boots on the ground, as the saying goes.

Why is everyone angry about the state of things ... yet no one is taking to the streets about the state of things? Taking to the streets? Yes, and by that I mean working for local campaigns, GOTV, canvassing -- and protesting when you have to do that.

I don't really know why no one is taking to the streets, but I wonder whether part of the reason could be that we're finding our satisfaction blowing off steam on our favorite blogs.

Just sayin'.

So, if you don't like what you see here . . . well, there it is. You'll have to content yourself with shouting at the monitor, or finding a more congenial place.

But if you do like what you see, take it away with you and talk to others about it -- off-line, please.

It's time to do some serious thinking, some serious talking and time to take some very serious action.
