Tuesday, August 08, 2006

They mocked him and called him "Treebeard"

It was a fine chuckle among the GOP frat boys. in 2004. Kerry as Treebeard who took an age to get out a sentence or make a point.

So, what would you give now to have a President who not only takes the time to think before he speaks (Bring 'em on!) or issues proclamations (Dead or Alive!) but who actually reads books rather than carries them along on vacation as ostentatious props?

Ah, if only ...

I don’t know what Bush stood for, except I’m a cool guy and Gore isn’t, and that was our problem. We elected the guy because he was a little cooler than the other guy, and, I hope the next election, it isn’t a problem of who goes to bed with their wife at 9:30 at night, or who knows how to tell a joke on a stage. But it’s who had the sense of strength that comes from having read books, most of their life, tried to understand history. -- Chris Matthews (Hardball) to Don Imus

He "didn't know what Bush stood for ... " And yet he pontificated, bloviated night after night on Hardball about how Bush was the man.

Okay, there's got to be some record somewhere of Matthews going off on Kerry for being an elitist, or boring or something to facilitate the snide suggestion that if one reads a book, one is incapable of leading Our Great Nation as a Real Man should. But you know, I'm not even going to go looking for it. This, this right here, is gold.

I doubt Kerry would ever get my vote again, but (please, all gods!) let the next Dem candidate rejoice in the books he reads, revel in the education he's had and do everything in his power to convince the voters that Smart is Good and Faux Cowboy ain't nuthin' but lyin', cheatin' and stealin'. *

* With apologies to Senator Clinton. The reality is that the time to run a woman for president hasn't come yet. The neocons have terrified half the nation into screaming for Daddy. So we have to run a man, at least one more time. But you'll be great when your time finally does come, Senator.