Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What's wrong with stopping for the sake of stopping?

President Bush acknowledged growing international pressure for an immediate Middle East cease-fire Monday but dismissed any idea of simply "stopping for the sake of stopping" withouta plan for lasting peace.

How about stopping for the sake of letting Lebanon's children live?

Or, how about stopping for the sake of giving everyone a chance to cool down?

Or, here's an idea -- how about stopping so Americans can take some time to get an idea of what's really going on in the Middle East?

Since none of these reasons seem to appeal to our President, perhaps it isn't that Mr. Bush can't find a reason to stop. Maybe he isn't interested in learning whether he still has the power and influence to get Israel and Hezbollah to stop at all.

America, whether Mr. Bush has the will or the power to stop the fighing now or doesn't, you still have the power to go here to find a pretty good idea about what's going on beneath the surface and behind the headlines: Blood in Beirut -- and don't forget to read all the way to the part about Exxon's fabulous profits.

You could do it for the children -- your own, the helpless ones who are dying in Qana and other cities, and the beautiful little girls who are signing the bombs, "From Israel with love."